a florist providing flowers to a customer

Business Solutions

At Grand Valley Bank, we know your time is valuable, so we provide solutions that make your job easier.

We're ready to help with products and services that simplify your banking experience. Take a look at what we can offer your business in addition to your Business Checking and Savings accounts, or contact a New Accounts Representative for more information.

Available Solutions

Simplify and streamline your business with the Grand Valley Bank business debit card. A business debit card will provide you with Visa acceptance, it’s more convenient than writing checks, you can set limits on employee-issued cards, and all Grand Valley Bank business debit cards include fraud monitoring.

Lost or Stolen Debit Cards
To report a lost or stolen debit card call 1-888-297-3416. To minimize your exposure to loss, report your lost or stolen debit card as soon as you discover the loss.

Daily Card Limits
Daily card limits can vary. To inquire on your specific card limits call 1-877-859-6040.

Foreign Transactions
If your plans are taking you outside of the US or if you are making a purchase via phone or website where the company is located outside of the US, all it takes is a phone call to 1-877-859-6040 for us to open your card for use in that country.

Stop in today to get your Grand Valley Bank business debit cards! We know you have many card options in today's world. Thank you for using your Grand Valley Bank business debit card. Contact Us with any comments or questions.
Are you looking for ways to simplify your business tasks? Take a look at what Cash Management offers your business, all from the convenience of our website.

Payroll Direct Deposit or Billing allows your business to set up employees for direct deposit or billing of your customers with the control at your fingertips.

  • $25/month for up to 150 entries
  • $40/month for over 150 entries

Wires can be created and sent to the bank for review and initiation. This eliminates the need to leave your office to initiate the wire in person.

  • $15/month and $10 per wire.

Positive Pay provides an additional element of protection against check fraud. We only pay the checks that you have told us to. Should anything not match, we call you to obtain approval before moving forward with the transaction.

  • $20/month for 100 checks
  • $40/month for over 100 checks

Defined User Roles: You decide who has access to Cash Management and exactly what they can do. This can be changed quickly and easily should the need arise.

  • Free for the business to manage
  • $10/month for the bank to manage
Bill Pay
  • Unlimited use
  • Included at no cost in any Cash Management package

Once you decide which Cash Management options are right for your business and are ready to begin, we schedule time to come to your business and walk you through set up*.
*This may not be available in all locations.
One Time Set-Up Fee 
  • $30 

Let Grand Valley Bank help to streamline and simplify your business tasks.

Let Grand Valley Bank help to streamline and simplify your business tasks.

Let Grand Valley Bank help to streamline and simplify your business tasks.
Grand Valley Bank provides efficient business credit card processing services. We are pleased to partner with Bankers' Bank of the West who specializes in providing community banks with additional services.

Whether your customers walk through your front door, call in their orders and reservations by phone to you, or make orders over the Internet. We have the equipment and experience available to get you started processing, or to help you replace old, outdated equipment.

Service after the sale
We pride ourselves in service after the sale. When your business processes bankcard transactions through Grand Valley Bank we offer local, responsive support. If your terminal fails, we will promptly get a replacement to you. If you need receipt paper, we provide it free of charge. If you need assistance after hours, there is 24/7 technical support to assist you. All you need to take advantage of these great benefits is a Grand Valley Bank business checking account for your card processing deposits.

Call us toll free at (877) 859-6040 for your personalized discount rate quote.

Or you can contact us with your request. We look forward to working with you!
Remote Deposit Capture is a convenient business tool that allows you to make your check deposits without leaving your office. We encourage all Grand Valley Bank business customers to take advantage of the time savings and peace of mind this service offers.

See how Remote Deposit Capture can benefit your business by clicking below.  Within the link is a short video just below the "Get started now" box. Look for the gold play button.
If you would like to learn more about this product, fill out your information in the "Get started now" box, and we will reach out to you.

What You Need
To begin making check deposits electronically and save time for managing your business, all you need is a basic PC with internet connectivity.

PC Requirements:
  • A Modern, Java enabled Web Browser
  • PC WITH 2.0 GHz processor
  • 1GB RAM
  • 3 GB free hard drive space
  • Monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution
  • Open USB 2.0 port
  • A compatible scanner will be provided by Grand Valley Bank during product installation.

Older couple sitting with coffee and looking at a smartphone

Protect your identity and stop fraud.

At Grand Valley Bank we strive to keep you up to date with the information and resources you need to protect you and your finances.

Anti-Fraud Protection